YSI Awards 2023

Meet the Winners
The winners of Young Social Innovators of the year 2023 were announced on 2nd May in an Awards Ceremony hosted by Virgin Media's Zara King and media personality Dayl Cronin during an event in Corke Park that saw 600 teenage changemakers presenting their ideas and actions for a better world to three panels of expert judges. All of our finalist teams presented their inspiring social innovation projects for bringing about positive change in their communities, spanning a diverse range of issues aligned to YSI’s pillars of People, Communities and the Environment, all addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. Congratulations to all of the award winners in 2023!
Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Gold Award Winners
The YSI team "Deaf Awareness - A Language for All" celebrate being named the Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Gold Winners
Deaf Awareness - A Language for All, Holy Family School for the Deaf, Cabra, Dublin
The YSI team from Holy Family School for the Deaf were crowned the Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 for their project "Deaf Awareness - A Language for All" which saw the team develop a 10 week curriculum including video resources to teach ISL sign language - a recognised language in the Irish constiution - to young people in an effort to increase understanding, inclusion and deaf people's confidence in the hearing world, therby helping to create a more equal society for all.
Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Silver Award Winners
Members of the Silver Award winning team are interviewed following the Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Awards Ceremony
‘Go With the Flow of your Menstrual Waves, Rosses Community School, Dungloe, Co Donegal
The YSI Silver Award was won by a team from Rosses Community School, Dungloe, Co Donegal, for a YSI project titled ‘Go With the Flow of your Menstrual Waves’. This project saw the YSI team highlighting the impact that changes in hormones can have on how students feel at certain times in the month, including how it can affect their mood, energy levels, physical performance, self-esteem and general mental health.
Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Bronze Award Winners
YSI CEO, Roger Warnock presenting the Young Social Innovators of the Year 2023 Bronze Award to the YSI Team "Women's Safety Week" from Firhouse Educate Together
Women’s Safety Week, Firhouse Educate Together
The YSI Bronze Award was won by a team from Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School, Firhouse, Dublin 24, for a YSI project titled ‘Women’s Safety Week’, aimed at promoting women's safety in the community, including through the idea for a nationwide Women's Safety Week.
Climate Action & Energy Award

Slo Burn, Ballymahon Vocational School, Ballymahon, Co. Longford
The Climate Action and Energy Award was won by Ballymahon Vocational School, Ballymahon, Co. Longford. For their project, titled ‘SloBurn’, the team developed a new fuel source as an alternative to turf in the form of briquettes made from recycled shredded paper, with the aim of protecting boglands.
Strong and Caring Communities Award

The Greenest Link, Abbey Vocational School, Donegal, Co. Donegal
The Strong and Caring Communities Award was won by Abbey Vocational School, Donegal town, Co. Donegal for their ‘The Greenest Link’ project. It aims to combat the issue of a lack of public transport facilities in Donegal by proposed improvements to the promotion of the Local Link facilities on offer in the county.
Make Our World Healthier Physical Health

Vaping, St. Louis Secondary School, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan
The Make Our World Healthier: Physical Health Award was won by a YSI team from St. Louis Secondary School, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan for a project aimed at educating young people about the risks associated with vaping.
Make Our World Healthier Mental Health

Bridging The Generation, Killorglin Community College, Killorglin, Co. Kerry
The Make Our World Healthier: Mental Health Award was won by a YSI team from Killorglin Community College, Killorglin, Co. Kerry for a project titled ‘Bridging the Generation’. The goal of the project is to give secondary school students tools to help them handle negative emotions and build rapport with staff at school./
Make Our World a Better Place for Young People

P1 P2 - Person First, Player Second, Largy College, Clones, Co. Monaghan
The Making our World a Better Place for Young People Award was won by Largy College, Clones, Co. Monaghan for a YSI project titled ‘P1P2 - Person First, Player Second’. This project aims to promote a zero-tolerance approach to side-line abuse of underage GAA and soccer players by getting clubs to make a pledge for improvement and earn the “Safer Clubs” P1P2 flag that the team has designed.
Make Our Country More Inclusive and Poverty Free

#bornthisway, Maryfield College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
The Make Our Country More Inclusive and Poverty-Free Award was won by Maryfield College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 for a YSI project titled ‘#bornthisway’, aimed at tackling the issue of homophobia for which the team produced a children’s picture book.
Relationships & Sexual Health

Red Light Green Light, Sacred Heart Secondary School, Convent of Mercy, Clonakilty, Co. Cork
The winner of the Relationship and Sexual Health Challenge Award was a YSI team from Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty, Co. Cork for a project titled ‘Red Light Green Light’ that addresses the issue of consent in teenage relationships.
Make Our World Fair and Just

CODÚ 4 U, Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Co. Cork
The winner of the Make Our World Fair and Just Award was a YSI team from Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Co. Cork for their ‘CODÚ 4 U’ project aiming at equalising access to coding educational resources for Irish-speaking students.
Make Our World Safer

Catch My Drift: Water Safety, Mercy Secondary School, Mounthawk, Tralee, Co. Kerry
The winner of the Make Our World Safer Award was a YSI team from Mercy Secondary School, Mounthawk, Tralee, Co. Kerry for a project titled ‘Catch My Drift: Water Safety’, highlighting essential water safety and drowning prevention awareness in their school and local communities.
Digital Innovators Award

CODÚ 4 U, Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Co. Cork
The Digital Innovators Award was won by Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny, Co. Cork for their ‘CODÚ 4 U’ project aiming at equalising access to coding educational resources for Irish-speaking students.
Highly Commended
You Know What Gets on my Nerves? MS, Castleisland Community College, Castleisland, Co. Kerry
Global Citizens Awards

Out With the Old, In With the New, Collinstown Park Community College, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
The Global Citizens Award was won by Collinstown Park Community College, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 for their ‘Out with the Old, In with the New’ project. This project promotes the upcycling of pre-loved clothing through a school swap shop initiative.
Social Media Award

Mannie Unmasks Masculinity, Meanscoil Gharman, Inis Córtaidh, Co. Wexford
The Social Media Award was won by Meanscoil Gharman Enniscorthy, Co Wexford for their ‘Manni Unmasks Masculinity’ project that aims to show men that it’s okay to express emotions.
School Community Impact Award
Be Better, Scoil Dara, Kilcock. Co. Kildare
The School Community Impact Award was won by Scoil Dara, Church Street, Kilcock, Co Kildare for their ‘Be Better’ project, which aimed to improve their school environment to be a more welcoming, fun and inviting place to be for all members of the school community.
Fun-raising Award
Fash-Back, Creagh College Secondary School, Gorey, Co. Wexford
The Fun-Raising Award was won by Creagh College Secondary School, Gorey, Co Wexford for their ‘Fash-Back’ project. It saw the team undertake innovative fundraising initiatives to combat the problems associated with fast fashion that saw the students raise €1,000 for the St Vincent de Paul charity.
Advocacy Awards
Improve Our Environment, Urusline College, Sligo