Make Our World Healthier Challenge (Mental Health)
How can you improve the mental well-being of people in today’s world?
Inspirational teams of innovators across Ireland are building positive mental health right now
Mend a Mind - It’s a Disorder not a Decision
Promoting the importance of mental health with community-wide initiatives.
Serving Smiles
Activities to encourage positive mental health
Mind Your Mind
Campaign to raise awareness of the importance of mental health
Don’t Be Mean Behind the Screen…The Return
Tackling the issue of cyber bullying and mental health.
Speak Out, Stand Out, Stamp Out
Educating people to stand up against bullying.
Youthreach Bully Free – We Are Here for Ye!
Reducing and maybe even stopping bullying in their Youth Centre
SMILE - Promoting Positive Mental Health
Promoting positive mental heath through a range of local events.
CAST Film Festival
Promoting positive mental health through film