The Action
The group aimed to encourage victims to stand up, not be afraid, report it and be proud of who they are. They did this by creating an awareness campaign. They made informative leaflets to be distributed in their school and local community with the help of Dublin City Library which provides young people with resources on how to cope with cyber bullying.
Following the success of last year, the group held another anti cyber-bullying week in their school. This included a poster, story and poem competition which challenged all students to think about the issue and tackle it creatively. They presented their project to many classes along with their own song and music video.
The group found that a lot of people experienced cyber-bullying in relation to their nationality or culture. To combat this, the group held a Culture Day in their school which celebrated the music, clothes, languages and foods of various cultures to encourage people to be proud of where they come from and to stand up to bullies. They have kept their community informed through their school website and local library. Each week they promote a positive quote about uniqueness and being an individual.