The Action
To learn more about this topic the group carried out surveys and contacted various groups such as ShoutOut and BeLonGTo; organisations which support and help to improve the lives of LGBT people.
With the knowledge they gained through research the group took many actions to improve the situation in their school and to create awareness of LGBT rights in their school and community. They produced a short film called “Actions Speak Louder than Words” which was screened at the CAST Film Festival in Dublin 2013 and nominated for Best Film award. They sanded the word ‘gay’ off the backs of the chairs in their school and launched a ‘It’s Not Okay to Say “That’s Gay”’ campaign throughout the school. They rewrote the lyrics to a popular song and filmed a music video to go with it which promotes equal rights for the LGBT community.
The group plan to take their campaign into the wider community by holding an awareness day and a flash mob in their local shopping centre to grab public attention. If possible they want to completely eliminate the use of the word ‘gay’ in the wrong terms in our everyday vocabulary. They have been sharing both their short film and music video online through YSI Hubsi and social networking sites in the hope of them going viral and reaching many more people.