
Beara Community School, Castletownbere, Co. Cork, 2017

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CATEGORY: Mobile for Good Challenge

The Idea

The young innovators from the Beara peninsula wanted to raise awareness of Lyme disease and the risks associated with tick bites for those living in their local area and for the many tourists that visit each year. They were keen to educate people on the symptoms, which often mimic other illnesses, and they wanted to explore ways of preventing mis- or late diagnosis in patients.

The Action

The team liaised with medical professionals and organisations both in Ireland and abroad including Scotland, Germany, the USA, Canada and Australia. They spoke first-hand with disease sufferers and their carriers and found Tick Talk Ireland a particularly useful partner. Using the information gathered, the team produced resources and materials for homes, schools, and communities. Their pre-school, primary and post primary school education packs include lesson plans, resources and cross-curricular material on Lyme disease and ticks. They also designed a tick removal pack for First Aid boxes.

The Impact

The students presented their work to officials in both Cork and Kerry County Councils and the Office of Public Works and sent details of their research, findings, and recommendations which they invited the officials to forward to relevant national bodies.

Promotion through social media channels, the production of videos and advertisements for TV and radio and, in particular, the development of an Android App made this  team of innovators stand out as the winner of the Mobile for Good Award

We feel we have highlighted the severity of the disease, the rising incidences of diagnosis and the many complex issues around the disease in Ireland and internationally

Lymelight team
Award Winner
2017 Mobile for Good
Challenge supported by
Mobile for Good Challenge