Reduce Turf Consumption Promote Slow Burning low emmission fuels
Our Social Issue
Environmental Protection: Continued Prevalence of Turf Burning

Why We Chose It
We choose this social issue because we YSI'ers at BVS are passionate about protecting our Peatlands and educating our community about using Renewable energy sources. Our Primary and Secondary Research validates this passion and shows that 1. Air quality is affecting health. 2. Our Peatlands are being depleted. 3. Communities continue to burn toxic levels of turf as a source of energy to heat homes. 4. Paper continues to be a waste product for many homes and institutions.

Our Goal
To innovate, educate and preserve natural energy resources in our Communities. We are changemakers as we introduce an alternative Fuel Source, SloBurn, instead of Turf into local Households. We hope to achieve an Awareness and educate communities of the importance of preserving our Beautiful Boglands as a natural resource. We are making SloBurn briquettes from Recycled Shredded Paper to show the alternatives to Burning Turf.

Our Innovative Action
1. We researched (primary survey on use of Turf in local households and secondary research with SEAI, Environmental officer, UCC). 2. In response we designed and created a prototype using 3D Software Ultimaker and new moulding technology to develop a briquette creator mould. 3. We tested our product. 4. We created an Infographic and QR code to effectively communicate and create positive awareness about the importance of households adapting to renewable energy sources.

Our Impact
We received incredible feedback from our partners and communities. The difference we endeavour to make is to improve our overall air quality, health and well being and Preserve our Local Boglands. We strive to be changemakers and make a positive difference in the community's outlook and attitude on Burning Turf. Preserve our Peatland!