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Our vision is to reduce the stigma around periods. We aim to normalise menstruation, eliminating all embarrassment and unease regarding the totally normal aspect of woman-hood.

Our Social Issue

Periods making it easier to talk about periods. the issues facing girls in school and society because of period. Period poverty, The issue of social concern we are covering is Health & Wellbeing and Fair & Equal society.

Normalizing Period

Why We Chose It

Our team consists of four menstruating women who have first-hand experience with the stigma surrounding periods. We strongly believe it is important to destroy the unease around periods as they are completely normal and necessary in a womans health. We feel we can use our stories and experiences to help others in our school and in our wider community understand it is not shameful to have a period. It's not just girls that need to normalise periods, everyone needs to understand and respect the struggle women undertake monthly.

Normalizing Period

Our Goal

This project aims to erase all unease regarding menstruation. We believe menstruation and female health is neglected on the SPHE curriculum. Menstruation is very briefly mentioned on the course and in our opinion it's a severely insufficient amount of information to teach students about the period. We created an educational programme on PowerPoint, which we plan to present to the first year SPHE classes in our school. This educational programme will distribute information and help students, ensuring they feel confident and informed regarding their menstruation cycle.

Normalizing Period

Our Innovative Action

We created an educational programme which contains important information about the menstruation cycle. Our goal is to present this educational programme to students in our school to help them feel comfortable about their menstruation cycle. We strongly believe this action will be mostly affective as it can influence the future generation to speak openly and comfortably about the completely normal aspect of woman hood. After our research, we discovered the menstruation cycle is neglected on the SPHE course. We wrote a letter to the department of education expressing our concern and disappointment about the short section on the period. We believe girls need access to more information about their menstruation cycle and the simple facts about it. We designed a stall for our project with helpful facts and illustrations to display to members of our school and community. This action allowed us to speak to people interested in our innovation, and help them transform their homes into period positive areas!

Normalizing Period

Our Impact

We believe we have positively impacted the lives of many menstruaters. All students in our school have access to period positive quotes and posters. We also spread awareness about the menstruation cycle, helping students in our school feel comfortable talking about their period at home, in school or even in the supermarket! Each member of the group agrees we have positively made a difference in our homes. Our period is no longer shameful, instead we feel secure speaking freely to all members of our family about it.