Goal Image

Our goal is to give our peers the tools to help them handle negative emotions and build rapport with the teachers and staff within the school. We believe this will eventually lead to improved relationships and mental health. We see positive role models and mentorship as being a key part of achieving this.

Our Social Issue

Mental Health with a focus on an inability to process emotions which leads to ill mental health, anger, aggression and conflict.

Bridging the Generation

Why We Chose It

We realized that an inability to process emotions was a key issue, but we realized in conversation with our peers that it did affect other genders as well. We decided that though our inspiration would come from men, our actions would target everyone. The idea of mentorship branched from this as we realized the importance of positive role models. We feel extremely passionate about this project because we can see the damage that negatively processing emotions can have. It can affect your relationship with your peers and teachers. It can cause conflict, loneliness, and anger.

Bridging the Generation

Our Goal

Our goal is to give our peers the tools to help them handle negative emotions and build rapport with staff in school. We believe this will eventually lead to improved relationships and mental health. We see positive role models and mentorship as key. We want mental health to be less of a taboo topic, especially among the male students. We also want to give them opportunities to try out different positive outlets for their negative emotions such as sports and weightlifting. We note that mental and physical health go hand in hand.

Bridging the Generation

Our Innovative Action

1. Investigate emotional processing and its effect on mental health. 2. Create posters with male role models talking openly about mental health. 3. Survey students about emotional processing. 4.Identify and arrange a workshop on Conflict Resolution 5. Create opportunities for mentorship between us and our younger peers, such as Paired Reading, Spikeball Tournament etc. 6. Our next step is to create an archivist project where we collect the stories of past students and build community mentorship links.

Bridging the Generation

Our Impact

1. The Navigating Conflict Workshop was really well received by the students and taught them about he underlying causes of strong emotions, tactics to help keep a cool head in conflict and ways to be more empathetic. 2, We organized a Weightlifting and Nutrition Workshop when we realized that a lot of students process their emotions through exercise. Students loved this and have requested more and now additional students want to be included too.