The team wants to make families aware of the importance of budgeting and how to how families can survive the housing crisis and cost of living issue.
Our Social Issue
The team would like to look the housing crisis and cost of living issue currently happening in Ireland today . This reality has increased the homelessness in Ireland.
Why We Chose It
We chose the cost of living crisis / the housing crisis as our social issue because it is a very relavent topic at the moment. We also chose the cost of living crisis / the housing crisis as our social issue because it affects everyone in the country. This is because the prices of everything has gone up recently, making it difficult for people to buy certain things. The cost of houses have also drastically gone up, making it extremely difficult for people to buy a house. These are the main reasons why we chose this social issue.
Our Goal
The big idea for this YSI project is to raise awareness about the housing crisis/cost of livng crisis. We plan to do this by creating and handing out booklets to people, which they can read and will become more aware of the housing crisis / cost of living crisis. We want to make people more aware of the housing crisis / cost of living crisis because it's a very relevent topic today and we think everyone needs to be aware of it. Also the cost of living crisis / housing crisis affects everyone in the country.
Our Innovative Action
Some actions we have taken so far are: We created a booklet to inform / make people more aware of the cost of living crisis / the housing crisis. We did a lot of research on the topic and transferred all of the research into the booklet, which be then be printed out / laminated and handed out to people to inform them on the cost of livng crisis / the housing crisis. These are all of the actions we have taken so far in our project to make an impact in the future that will support and benefit
Our Impact
We have not made a postive impact at the moment but we are planning with the custom made booklets that will give advice and tips that will help people who are struggling with the housing crisis/ Cost of living. People who arent affected by these problems can still share and spread the information on the booklet and hopely help people who are in need. We believe that we will make a postive impact within the future within the future and hopely make a big impact in the future to make an impact in many peoples lifes to hopely support