We hope to inform young people on this issue as well as get in touch with zoos to see what the conditions are like and how we could make a positive impact.
Our Social Issue
We have chosen to address the issue of animal cruely. We will look specifically at zoos and other captivate enviornments.

Why We Chose It
We chose the social issue of animal cruelty, captivity and endangered wildlife because we care greatly for the treatment and safety of animals, our own pets especially. We also love watching documentaries and films about animals and wildlife, for example Blackfish and A Life on Our Planet. When we were first introduced to Young Social Innovators at the beginning of TY, we were immediately interested and we wanted to do a project on animal cruelty, captivity and endangered wildlife to spread awareness and make a difference in our local community. We thoroughly enjoyed learning so much more about this issue.

Our Goal
Our big idea is bring awareness and provoke change on the topic of animal cruelty, captivity, and endangered wildlife. We hope that by taking our presentation, Wounded Wildlife, and presenting it to the children of our local primary school, we might educate the young minds of our community as well as spread awareness on this issue. We also hope to bring awareness to students at our own school by holding a petition and hosting litter pick up days.

Our Innovative Action
One action we took was going to our local library to visit a wildlife photo exhibition. This really helped us understand how dangerous litter can be to wildlife. Another action we took was getting in contact with one of our local schools (St. Louise de Narillac)and asked if we could present our project to their students. We also had the idea of getting our own school involved; every Wednesday afternoon at lunch we go litter picking around our school campus and local area. We also got every staff member and student to sign a petition to help the wildlife.

Our Impact
The goal of our project was to spread awareness on our social issue and that is exactly what we did. When we visited the primary school we educated over 100 young people and successfully opened their eyes to animal cruelty/endangerment. We also supplied them with ways to support their environment in the future. Additionally, we reduced the amount of litter in our local area and our school. Finally we, ourselves, were educated when we visited our local animal shelter to volunteer. Overall, this has been an amazing learning journey and we will continue to learn more about this topic.