1. Quality Education Hope that dyslexic Same and similar experience of education and school Not left behind Others that don't have dyslexia understand it 2. Good Health and Wellbeing No inclusion for those who have dyslexia Awareness of language used]Using it as a strength and not a weakness Doesn't slow a person down in their education Dyslexia cannot stop you chasing your dreams Using famous people as examples of Dyslexia being a strength and not a weaknesses. We aim to put pictures into our YSI book we hope to write and publish to raise awareness. 3. Reduces Inequality Many people see Dyslexia as a weakness. They see it as a stumbling block to society. We strive to open society's eves to see the other side of dyslexia. When people read our book, they realize how important and reliable these people can be and thus are inspired to strive to include them in society and value their inputs and strive to reduce any injustices and inequality, for example bullying against Dyslexic people.
Our Social Issue
1. Quality Education 2. Good Health and Wellbeing 3. Reduces Inequality
Why We Chose It
We are trying to solve the social issue of a lack of awareness of dyslexia. We are debunking the myths around dyslexia and showcasing those dyslexia is a strength, not a weakness. We looked at social issues the right to quality education and poverty through organising talks about homelessness and going to a talk from the Palestine Ambassador about the right to education. This made us more aware how education is a social issue in some parts of the world for girls. We investigated our school community and became aware of the social issues around having a hidden disability.
Our Goal
We have a vision to raise awareness around the learning difference dyslexia. We want to publish a story book for children to educate them on what dyslexia really is and reduce the stigma around it. We want to achieve awareness around the topic and hope to show children with dyslexia that it’s a strength and their superpower. We hope to achieve our goal through publishing it online for free through amazon and sending it in the post using our YSI Den funding.We want people to be able to be more confident in themselves and know they have a superpower.
Our Innovative Action
October is Dyslexia awareness month and this year we took action and helped in our school celebrate International Dyslexia Awareness week. We were interested in increasing awareness of this and being a bigger part of this by using our student voice through our book. We talked to dyslexic students in our school and the one message they want shared is that Dyslexia does not effect your intelligence. They say they frequently hear students using the term "dyslexic" as a slag when someone gets a low score or they don't know the answer to something. We did the YSI Den.
Our Impact
Dyslexia isn't a disability, it's a superpower. This is our positive message on our YSI noticeboard in our school corridor. We showed the overlooked powers of Dyslexics, namely, puzzle-solving skills, their strong memories, their creativity and the way they see the world differently and used this to create training for our school. We made a positive impact to help realize the greener side of Dyslexia and how people diagnosed with Dyslexia aren't a stumbling block but on the contrary, they are crucial in the fruitfulness of any area, any field and reduced bullying of people with Dyslexia in our school.