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We want to spread awareness on the dangers of cyberbullying and how it can be harmful and the effects it can have on both the victim, their family and friends. We want to encourage people who are being cyberbullied themselves or know someone who is experiencing cyberbullying to speak up and get the proper help they need. We also want to spread awareness on the dangers of the internet and how we can stay safe while using it.

Our Social Issue

Cyberbullying and the effects that it has on its victims mental health.

Why We Chose It

We chose to complete our YSI project about cyberbullying because we all have a strong and passionate connection towards this project. Some members of our group have experienced cyberbullying first hand so we feel that it is extremely important to talk about these issues and share experiences where we have dealt with these issues. Cyberbullying is a serious issue that can happen to anyone and it is important to talk about it and educate children on the topic.

Our Goal

Our goal is to make young people more aware of the dangers of social media and the damages of cyberbullying and how the negative ramifications can be prevented. We want to bring attention to the effects of cyberbullying and how it can impact somebody's mental health and life. We also hope to lower the rate of cyber bullying in our locality.

Our Innovative Action

We have visited two local primary schools to educate them on the topic of cyber bullying. We gave them a presentation on this topic and played an informational game of snakes and ladders. We are planning to give our presentation to other local schools such as 1st and 2nd year students in our local secondary schools. We also plan to give teachers and educators our power point and game to put in the curriculum.

Our Impact

We have educated young children and teenagers on the importance of preventing cyberbullying and its effects on people that could experience something like it. We showed how it is not a good thing and that any form of bullying and their is no harm in reporting bullying. We taught and we have raised awareness on cyberbullying and how it can negatively impact a person's mental health.