Our goal is to spread awareness about mental health issues among young people in school and creating a safe environment for students struggling with mental health issues or illnesses.
Our Social Issue
Mental health in school

Why We Chose It
We chose the social issues because our group felt very strongly about mental health. Everyone can speak from a personal experince that makes you want to help others in your school. We want to help people who feel like they cant speak up about mental health or issues in home or in school. Ultimately we want everyone to feel safe and understood.

Our Goal
Our big idea is to make a calm room in our school to make people feel more comfortable when they are stressed about exams etc. We want people to know its okay to feel anxious at times its a normal human thing. We really want people to come into school maybe if they want peace and quiet at lunch they will go in there and read a book. We want people to maybe acknowledge there having a bad day but it will pass.

Our Innovative Action
We made a survey around the school, we made everyone aware of our project along with an explanation of what was that survey for. We pitched our idea to our Principal and Guide Counselor who are bringin the idea up to the Boarding Management of the school to get premission granted to go ahead with the project. We are in touch with our Students Council who are on board of supporting our idea. We made a design of the layout and mural, a budget for all the expenses and a plan for the supervision of the room.

Our Impact
We helped people feel better in school and we want to give a quiet space for people to clear their minds. We have made people feel like they are not the only ones and you are not alone dont be afraid or ashamed in anyway of having feelings. Your feelings matter. Involving people and making them part of it, has made people more interested and motivated about the initial idea we had and guide us through.