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To gather evidence surrounding the issue of vaping amongst young people, to educate young people on the issues of vaping

Our Social Issue

Vaping and the risks of vaping among young people


Why We Chose It

We chose this social issue because it is something we witness on a daily basis, we have all experienced peer pressure and how hard it is to say no. We also see first hand the effects these vapes are having on our family, friends, and our environment as we see the wastes produced and littered from just one vape. We were first inspired to research our topic because of the frequency of warnings we were getting about vaping on the school premises. We see it's becoming an increasing problem and we want to take action.


Our Goal

Our big idea is educating the public about vaping and the health effects that come with it. We hope to raise awareness of this increasingly alarming problem that is affecting today's society. We have designed infographics and presentations for local primary school teachers to use. These infographics are published around our school and the surrounding area to further educate our community and parents. We hope by doing this people will become more aware and educated on vaping. We also hope to change the social acceptability of vaping and highlight that more bad than good comes from them.


Our Innovative Action

The actions we have taken so far are creating infographics, powerpoints, posters and surveys to educate the public and further inform our project. One infographic is aimed for parents specifically. We have prepared a news article for our local newspaper. We have sent a letter to the minister of health outlining the issue of vaping and awaiting a response. We have presented to the parents association and board of management and created PowerPoint presentations for both our teachers and the local primary teachers. We post on our social media and provide facts to our followers.


Our Impact

Our project has positively made a difference in our school. Our teachers are more aware of the issue of vaping and what to look out for. Students are more aware of the negative aspects of vaping and becoming aware that we may be repeating the same mistake of past generations when they began smoking thinking it wasn't a big deal. We have received feedback from parents praising us for our tips on how to be more aware if their child is vaping. Primary teachers have thanked us for bringing the issue of primary kids vaping to their attention.