Our goals are to help educate the younger generation, to make them feel comfortable about talking about sexual assault and to let them know it is not their fault. We feel if people had the proper education on what sexual assault is, and the affects it has on the victims, it could prevent it from happening. Our goals and plans for the future in the YSI project include a color run and a coffee morning to raise awareness.
Our Social Issue
S.U.F.A.V Sexual Assault
Why We Chose It
Our group SUFAV chose the social issue of sexual abuse as we feel this issue is not spoken about as much as it should be. It is not being made as aware to young people. Our group feels very strongly on this issue as it affects communities, people’s wellbeing, their lives. It also affects the abuser's life and their wellbeing. We think this issue is something more people should be aware of and be aware of how to help young people going through the struggles of dealing with sexual assault.
Our Goal
Our big idea is to bring awareness to sexual assault. Our goals are to help educate the younger generation, to make them feel comfortable about talking about sexual assault. We feel if people had the proper education on what sexual assault is, and the effects it has on the victims, it could prevent it from happening. We plan on doing fund raisers such as a colour run and coffee morning to raise awareness and change how little sexual assault is talked about in our communities. We want to change the world for the better and make it a safer place.
Our Innovative Action
In our group, we have organised fundraisers such as, a coffee morning and a colour run. We have been in contact with charities such as Teach Tearmainn. We plan on giving the money we raise to Teach Tearmainn. The main action we have taken is that of spreading awareness about sexual assault to our peers, parents and community. Once we have done our fundraisers, we will have accomplished all of what we set out to do.
Our Impact
We will have to wait and see how the tea party and colour run goes, but from project awareness around the school we are raising awareness of the Social Issue.