Our team hopes to influence the community and their choices in what they buy and inform them of the ethical and environmental issues of fast fashion. Our goal is to minimise the use of the fast fashion industry within our community. We will do this by promoting second hand clothing in ways such as creating our own shop and selling our clothes. We hope our community becomes conscious of how much they buy from the fast fashion industry and to consider making better decisions on their consumption of clothes.
Our Social Issue
Our team has chosen to address the issue of fast fashion. Fast fashion is a large industry that produces inexpensive clothing that is made quickly to follow trends. This means that a large amount of clothing is thrown away once a trend has passed. The production of clothes also affects the environment negatively due to the ways these clothes are produced, transported, packaged and later disposed off. Our main issue of concern is the overproduction of clothing and how it impacts the people involved, our community and our environment.

Why We Chose It
We chose the social issue of fast fashion as it is a worldwide industry impacting the environment and lives of many people. We chose this project to show our community the affects of their actions and teach them to improve their shopping habits. We know how much of a problem this is because we always see people wearing things from big chain stores like Primark and Zara. We want to change this. We want to see more unique and second hand clothes around our school.

Our Goal
Our big idea was to tackle the issue of fast fashion. We did this by holding a swap shop at our Christmas market. We collected unwanted clothes from people in our school and people could bring an item of clothing and swap it for something else or they could buy something from our shop. We also implemented a monthly clothes collection in our school where we collect clothes from students and make a trip to our local clothes bins. We will continue to do this monthly to reduce the clothes waste within our school community.
Our Innovative Action
We set up a swap shop at our annual Christmas market and plan to have a swap shop stall every year at the market. We also implemented a monthly clothes collection in our school where we take unwanted clothes from our peers and donate them to clothes bins or charity shops depending on the condition of the item on behalf of the students in our school.
Our Impact
We have made a positive difference in our community by showing our school the impacts of fast fashion on our planet. We have impacted the way that our peers shop and have encouraged buying from local charity shops and ordering from online second hand shops such as Thriftify instead of ASOS and Nastygal. We will also ensure that the clothes of our fellow students are going to a place where they can be put to new use instead of ending up in landfill.