The goal of our project is to make hospitals a more colourful, interactive experience for children, focusing especially on the daunting atmosphere of the check up room. We aim to make children more relaxed when seeing equipment. This will help doctors examine children and help the children’s mental health.
Our Social Issue
Hospitals are often a daunting place for anyone, however especially for the youngest members of our society. Children’s wards should be made more child friendly to calm nerves and stop the stigma around being in hospital for children. It also proven to improve mental health and recovery

Why We Chose It
We choose this social issue because each one of us has felt uncomfortable in the dreary cold hospital walls. We want to help make the wards more child friendly and a less stressful environment. Being in a situation that makes u feel uncomfortable is not a nice situation to be in especially young children. Our aim was to eliminate this by introducing our toys and dolls. This would be when the doctor shows the child what they are doing to them on the doll first. This will show them it’s not as bad as they feared.

Our Goal
Our big idea is to help reduce the stress of young patients during examinations, check-ups etc. as well as ensuring a calm and positive environment while being treated. We hope to achieve a reliable coping mechanism for young patients through giving the children’s wards doctor kits as well as dolls so that they can perform examinations on their dolls to while attending their own, aiming to eliminate or reduce the feeling of fear and stress.

Our Innovative Action
We fundraised €333 so far for ‘toys4smiles’ through the cake sale we held in the school. The cake sale was a huge success and generated a lot of publicity around the pupils and teachers. People bought the cakes and all the money we raised is put towards us to help source and buy the toys in the future. We also contacted CUH but are awaiting a reply
Our Impact
All the money we raise will go to the children. The sick vulnerable children who are scared and unsure of what might happen them will be positively impacted by our actions. The toys we buy will give them a sense of ease. Even if it only helps a few patients. That makes us happy as we have made their time in the hospital a more happy and bearable time.