To educate younger people both boys and girls our age that it is not normal to sexualise girls and getting sexualised is not okay. Whatever a girl is wearing, saying or doing does not make it okay. We are hoping to create awareness and prevention.
Our Social Issue
Sexualisation of teenage girls
Why We Chose It
We chose sexualisation as our topic, because our group consists of young girls that have all experienced some kind of sexualisation. We know how it feels, we know what bad impacts it can have and we don’t want other girls to feel like that. We want them to speak up, we want change. Young girls all over the world regularly experience sexualisation and nobody seems to care or to see a problem. No matter what a girl does, wears, says etc. there is no right to treat her as an object and define her worth through sexuality.
Our Goal
Our main goal is to educate young people about sexualisation, to prevent future cases from happening. Thus we want to create awareness, denormalise sexualisation, remove the taboo about it and teach people what they can do to help. Additionally we give advice to young girls that experience sexualisation, to help them understand what is happening and how they can react and cope when feeling sexualised. We want to show people that sexualisation is a relevant topic for everyone, to make it stop.
Our Innovative Action
We created awareness on the topic and our project by: doing regular Instagram posts about the topic to inform about sexualisation and to advertise our project, encouraging girls to speak up and to stop normalising what is happening (in our friends groups, on instagram etc.), and telling people in our home countries (as we are many international students). We made an anonymous survey on the topic to show that it is a relevant topic since the survey was anonymous this meant we had many students feeling more comfortable.
Our Impact
We showed young girls that the experience they’re making isn’t something to be ashamed of or to keep to themselves. We created awareness about what sexualisation is, why it is problematic and what you can change. We hope that through this we already prevented some cases of sexualisation and gave girls confidence to speak up against it and react in an appropriate way. We showed the none-girl followers of our project how the experience as a young girl nowadays, regarding sexualisation, is to make them think through what they're doing and thus make the girls' lives easier.