We want to make young people aware that you cant just stop taking drugs when you want to and that rehab is tough.
Our Social Issue
Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation

Why We Chose It
We know people who have got caught up in drugs and we want to warn people about how easy it is to get addicted to drugs. We know that its very hard to stop the addiction when it happens. Some people in our class have family members who have addiction problems.

Our Goal
We want to make young people aware of how easy it is to get addicted to drugs and to tell them where to get help if they have or know someone who has an addiction issue
Our Innovative Action
We organised a drug awareness workshop with Samantha Teather from Independent Education programmes for ourselves as part of our research. We contacted our local community guard Gerry Burke from Kells garda station and he spoke to us about his work experience of dealing with addicts and drug related problems. We ran a poster campaign in our school about the dangers of drugs and where to get help if you have an addiction. The other TYs and the senior students in our school will get a drug awareness workshop. We are getting a workshop from the Merchants Quay Project ourselves

Our Impact
We know that people in our school have seen and continue to see our poster campaign on drug issues and where to get help. We have learned a lot of information about addiction ourselves and have been talking about it with our family and friends. We have raised awareness of the issue on our school facebook page which has been seen by many parents and the wider community. Our school community will be more informed about the issue of addiction after the workshop we have arranged for senior students and after we talk to First years