Our vision is a community where elderly people are more included and feel supported, respected and cared for by all.
Our Social Issue
Elderly isolation in our community

Why We Chose It
We chose this social issue as it is a major issue that many people will face at one point in their life. We will all be an elderly person in the community eventually and it is important to have empathy for everyone. We aimed to start by helping the elderly people in our community and then move to raise awareness country-wide. We chose this social issue because we feel that it is not talked about and there is not enough support for senior citizens in our town. After COVID, they are more isolated than ever.

Our Goal
Our big idea was to stop older people feeling isolated and unwelcome in our community. We believe this is a major issue in Irish society, especially after COVID. We believe that the elderly are important members of our community, but we need to show them that by integrating them into our lives. We hope that we can connect with elderly people, encourage others in our community to do the same and educate people about the problems the elderly face.

Our Innovative Action
Handmade Christmas cards delivered to local nursing homes. Videos created to raise awareness on social media about elderly isolation, Instagram series on elderly people we admire. Poster competition for 1st and 2nd years to raise awareness about elderly isolation. visited the Citizens Information Centre to get information Contacted various organisations such as ALONE. Submitted an idea to An Post for a postage stamp about connecting generations together to raise awareness about elderly isolation on a national level. Video compilation created with Claire Byrne, Mickey Joe Harte, Joe McHugh. created a petition for Independent Commissioner for Ageing and Older People.

Our Impact
We sent Christmas cards to the local nursing home with a personal message to each recipient. This small gesture proved to be hugely impactful. We had some very positive feedback from the staff. Some of the residents have no relations and were delighted and touched to receive such a heartfelt card. We also had a poster competition for the younger students in our school. They made posters on elderly isolation awareness. This really proved to be educational for all of us. It made us think about the importance of caring for our elderly