We hope to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping to young people.
Our Social Issue
The social issue we have chosen is vaping.
Why We Chose It
We choose this social issue because vaping was a very prevalent issue amongst the young people in our school. We knew people involved in vaping and had seen the negative effects it was having on them. We wanted to help the young people who were addicted to vapes.
Our Goal
Our big idea was to reduce the number of students vaping in our school, and to improve the overall health of the students in our school. We hope to achieve a visible drop in the number of students vaping, as well as eliminating behavioural issues in our school linked to vaping. We hope to make students aware of the dangers of vaping, the long term impacts of vaping, and provide them with information around quitting vaping, and alternativer activities to distract them.
Our Innovative Action
We have created and run a poster campaign across our entire school. We created social media pages and ran a social media campaign. We held a soccer tournament for the 1st years in our school. We installed smoke alarms which can detect vape smoke in the bathrooms in our school. We are creating an infographic about the dangers of vaping to add to our school journal.
Our Impact
Yes we have made a positive difference as the number of students vaping has reduced by 27%.