Our goal is to give as many young people as we can the tools to live an easier and more fulfilling life as they enter adulthood. We aim to teach, help, and inspire students and young people. We will use a range of methods to achieve this. We are confident this will contribute to a higher quality of life for all people affected by our project.
Our Social Issue
Young people being uninformed about crucial life skills as they enter adulthood, this lack of knowledge can lead to a low quality of life.

Why We Chose It
We chose this social issue as we feel highly passionate about this topic. We noticed there is a lack of education of key life skills in the school environment. We saw students being over worked with information they don’t feel they need to live happy lives. We spent our first 3 weeks of our project choosing the perfect social issue that we want to tackle, then brainstorming it and planning our innovations. We want to improve students and young people's lives, teach them and give them the information and skills they will need in young adulthood.

Our Goal
Our big goal is to improve young people's lives. We hope to achieve this through teaching and informing young adults and students in a safe and fun environment. Our aim is to teach a wide range of life skills people need in young adulthood. The type of skills that are typically underdeveloped among people in our age group. We teach crucial life skills that are not being taught in the school curriculum. We hope to achieve a population more educated in essential life skills, thanks to our project. We are confident this goal will be achieved in the coming years.

Our Innovative Action
A Scavenger Hunt with first years – for their communication, team building and navigational skills. The Shoe Box Appeal – to raise awareness for Team Hope. 22/11/13 A monopoly game for the 2nd year business class – for managing money. 16/12/23 Fun Games with 3rd years – Improving well-being and teambuilding skills. 20/12/23 A Bake Sale in our school to fundraise for KDYS 23/01/24 - 186.30 euro Camping Skills workshops with 3rd years – Teaching navigational and map reading skills. 23/02/24 CPR-Athon fundraiser for the Irish heart foundation. 23/02/24 - 360 euro so f Several Instagram posts and stories of helpful.

Our Impact
We made a positive difference to our school and community; we did this through numerous events. These events were clearly a success, this was shown through the smiles and laughter radiating through these events. Our educational milestones were being reached. The enjoyment these workshops brought were just as important to us as learning something new. Combining fun and education gave our community positive events which will help them develop personally and excel in this world. We are confident we have made a positive difference with our events. Knowing how to improve someone's day is a life skill on