Make people aware of religious discrimination in some of the many schools in Ireland. We hope to reduce the amount of discrimination of people based on their religion in schools as it is becoming an increasingly important issue and it sometimes goes under the radar in a school setting.
Our Social Issue
Religious Discrimination In Schools In Ireland: Our group has chosen to address the social issue of discrimination of young people in schools based on their religious beliefs as it is an important and mostly ignored issue.
Why We Chose It
We chose this social issue because on this team we have someone who is religious and this religion quite often faces discrimination, and we have first handedly witnessed this happening and think it is a good issue that can be tackled.
Our Goal
Our big idea is to educate people on different religions and how people can be discriminated against due to their religion. We hope to make people more empathetic towards people with different religious backgrounds and to help people understand different religions better.
Our Innovative Action
We have sent an email out to ten schools giving out a Survey and a PowerPoint on religious discrimination and asked our school if we could teach some of the classes about our project.
Our Impact
We think we have done a good job on educating people with condensed info about religions and we think people will be more aware of their actions towards people and they will be more aware of what their religion actually is which can help stop discrimination.