It delves into the effects of blue light on sleep, particularly linked to mobile phone use, through research. A schoolwide survey explores the sleep habits of students. Findings inform an awareness campaign within the school, utilizing various media to educate students about healthy sleep habits and addressing issues related to mobile phone use and blue light exposure. The project may conclude with recommendations for potential school policies/ initiatives to foster improved sleep behaviors. SleepRight aims to enhance the overall well-being of our school community.
Our Social Issue
The SleepRight Initiative investigates the ramifications of poor sleep in teenagers, focusing on its physical, academic, and emotional consequences
Why We Chose It
It came from our campaign at first and we realised it was a really good topic to talk about and that there are many ways to tackle the disadvantages of poor sleep by spreading awareness to others. We talked about the negative effects of bluelight as a group and acknowledged that if we use out phones before sleep, they can prevent us from having a restful sleep. We discussed this and researched ideas to share with students on activities they could do to replace phone usage before bed, e.g reading a book . Another topic we spoke about was
Our Goal
We hope to spread awareness and have an impact on the sleep of the students in our school. Many of the students in our DEIS school go to bed late and use devices before bed (as reported in our student surveys). We hope to raise awareness with parents and create a campaign enabling parents and students to understand the importance of good quality sleep. We hope to show that with an amount of 7-8 hours of sleep every night, you can control your weight, prevent chronic diseases, avoid negative thoughts, and increase your productivity. Hopefully soon our research
Our Innovative Action
The SleepRight Initiative employed a multifaceted approach to elevate awareness of the critical relationship between sleep and mental health. At its core was the development of a user-friendly website, serving as an information hub with accessible resources such as research findings and expert articles. Extensive research informed the creation of digestible content, empowering individuals with evidence-based insights. Additionally, visually compelling awareness posters were strategically placed in community spaces, reinforcing the importance of quality sleep for mental well-being. By combining digital and physical elements, the initiative aimed to foster a healthier community, sparking conversations and encouraging positive behavioral changes in sleep
Our Impact
We've empowered individuals to improve their lives by reducing phone use before sleep, minimizing issues like fatigue and decreased productivity, especially in schools. Excessive phone use not only affects students' academic performance but also frustrates teachers and disrupts classrooms. This tiredness hampers focus and can lead to lower grades, affecting future opportunities. Introducing alternative bedtime activities such as reading or meditation offers a solution. Our chosen topic addresses the prevalent issue of social media's impact on mental health, including depression and anxiety. By providing solutions and acknowledging the problem, we aim to make a positive difference in our generation.