Our project will push for stricter penalties for those who engage in acts of cruelty towards animals, educate people on the importance of animal welfare, promote responsible pet ownership and we hope that our project will be successful in achieving these goals.
Our Social Issue
The social issue we have chosen to address is animal welfare. Animal welfare concerns the well being of animals' physical, mental and emotional states.
Why We Chose It
The majority of people in our project all own a pet of some kind, be it a dog or a cat. A lot of people in our project also rescued these animals from shelters. So everyone in our project has a passion for animals. We had all watched a news report in one of our classes, which was about animals in the gaza strip, this video was about a group of people who were making wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs for wounded animals. Everyone on our team took interest in this and we wanted to help out with this heroic act
Our Goal
Our big idea is to spread awareness on how you as an individual can impact an animals life, we hope to achieve a more educated community on the danger of mistreating a dog or cat or any other kind of animal in our locality. We want to work with social enterprises in our community to help them with there goals and projects, for example we held info stands at a market event to help Dog's Trust with there rehoming project.
Our Innovative Action
We held an awareness stand during our school’s mini company market event, with this stand we were able to educate our area on what our project is about, who we were working with, the goals we had hoped to achieve, and what our next project was going to be. We had spoken to many of the parents in our community and taught them about the effect mistreating an animal can have on the animals health.
Our Impact
We held a fundraiser during on of our school days, this fundraiser was a bake sale which raised funds for the NWSPCA. We wanted to raise the money for the organisation but also do a large project we could hold as a team, so we decided on the bake sale. Which had lasted the entire day, by the end of the bake sale we had raised €300 for the NWSPCA which we then donated shortly after.