We hope to raise awareness about the use of animals for testing cosmetics and skin care products and the availability of cruelty free alternatives that are on the market.
Our Social Issue
Animal Welfare - using animals to test cosmetics Animal cruelty in the cosmetic industry

Why We Chose It
We choose this social issue as it resonates with us and our personal beliefs and we believes that it is very selfish that animals’ lives are in danger for our own person benefits. We would love to prevent future generations of animals from becoming extinct or endangered. We believe our descendants should use other testing alternatives eg. Cells/tissues made in labs or the 3T3 cell line.

Our Goal
Our big idea is to put a stop to animal testing and spread awareness of alternative products. We hope that after enough campaigning and informing that people will swap their animal tested products to cruelty free ones.

Our Innovative Action
In our own school we made posters and had an information stall outside our canteen displaying our research on products, displaying products which do/don’t test on animals. We also handed out informational flyers to people in the school. We also went out to various shops in our own community to see what cosmetics they sold and if they were cruelty free or not, we also informed then about what products are cruelty free and what products weren’t.
Our Impact
We made a positive difference because we got signatures stating they promise to try stop using products that test on animals. Some local businesses are trying to promote cruelty free products over ones that do test on animals.