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1. We hope to spread awareness about this topic 2. We want to help people open up and talk about it as it is a very common occurrence. 3. We want to learn about this topic ourselves and have coping mechanisms for those affected by it. 4. We want to find ways to communicate help and resources to those that need it.

Our Social Issue

We have chosen to address family fall outs and how it effects the members of that family. We noticed that many of us had dealt with or heard about toxic familial relationships. We are worried that people don't seek help when it is an immediate family member that is being abusive.

Family Fall Out

Why We Chose It

we chose to do our project on toxic family relationships because we feel very passionate about this issue , some of the members have struggled with toxicity in their family which helped all our group understand better. we found that it was a very normalised topic that we needed to expose to the public on our social media platforms. we also found that this issue has a life long effect on people that have experienced toxicity when building new relationships. we really want to make people feel comfortable reaching out for help

Family Fall Out

Our Goal

Our big idea is to create a short film to showcase a toxic family, and a non- toxic family. We want to show people the difference between the two, so that they're able to identify toxic traits, and be able to speak out and seek help if they feel like they're in a toxic family. Our goals are to educate people, we want to give people examples of our project in real life situations so they know what toxic traits to be aware of, instead of just giving them statistics. This makes it easier for our younger years to grasp.

Family Fall Out

Our Innovative Action

We organised a fundraiser for a registered charity, Jigsaw. We also had a stand at our schools Trade Fair, where we educated our fellow peers by giving them information, and helping them to have a better understanding of what a toxic family is.

Family Fall Out

Our Impact

We have noticed a difference in the understanding of toxic families within our school community. Especially in the younger years, as they have gained lots of information from us about toxic families, due to the workshops they completed with us. We have also made a difference as we have given the teachers in our school a new perspective on what makes a toxic family/ family member. During our schools annual "JIngle Mingle", we organised and completed a incredibly successful fundraiser for Jigsaw Foundation. We raised money by selling baked goods, and running a photo booth. In total we raised €560 for the charity. This makes a huge difference to young people that are struggling with their mental health, due to being in a toxic family. Our contributuion to Jigsaw has made a huge difference to these young people, and while fundraising for them, we educated a lot of people and were able to spread lots of awareness of toxic behaviors.