Goal Image

Highlight the effects of fast fashion and the need for upcycling and recycling.

Our Social Issue

Fast Fashion Effects : Particularly on our oceans & marine life.

Ocean In Distress: Fast Fashions Marine Fallout

Why We Chose It

We chose the social issue of fast fashion and its impact on marine pollution because it has a significant effect on both the environment and marine life. Fast fashion leads to a huge amount of waste, including clothes that end up in the ocean, and contributes to microplastics polluting the waters. Since marine life is directly harmed by this pollution, it also threatens the food chain, which can eventually affect humans too. We live close to a lot of beautiful beaches that we use for walks and swimming, and we feel passionately about the effects that fast fashion.

Ocean In Distress: Fast Fashions Marine Fallout

Our Goal

Our big idea is to raise awareness about how fast fashion contributes to ocean pollution and to encourage people to make more sustainable clothing choices. We aim to reduce the amount of textile waste and microplastics entering the ocean by promoting responsible consumption, better disposal practices, and supporting eco-friendly fashion alternatives. Goals : Reduce Textile Waste: We want to inspire people to buy fewer fast fashion items and choose more sustainable, long-lasting clothes. Prevent Microplastics in Oceans: We hope to educate people on the importance of avoiding synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon, which shed microplastics that harm marine life.

Ocean In Distress: Fast Fashions Marine Fallout

Our Innovative Action

We participated in beach clean ups to remove textile waste and microplastics from the shore. By doing this, we directly helped to reduce pollution and protect marine life. This action showed others the importance of cleaning up the environment. We’ve been educating people about the harmful effects of fast fashion on the ocean and marine life in our school by sharing information and empowering others to make more sustainable clothing choices and reduce waste .We also hope to initiate a swap shop where students can swap unwanted cloths.

Ocean In Distress: Fast Fashions Marine Fallout

Our Impact

Our class took action to fight the impact of fast fashion on marine life. We organized a beach clean-up, collecting plastics, old ropes, and washed-up clothing. Using these materials, we created two garments to show the importance of recycling and how much waste ends up in our oceans. We also worked with a local beach clean-up group to help protect marine life and keep our shores clean. Through this project, we raised awareness about the dangers of fast fashion and proved that small actions, like recycling and cleaning up, can make a big difference for our environment.