Goal Image

Further the understanding and recognition of anxiety and mental health in teenagers.

Our Social Issue

Teenage Mental Health


Why We Chose It

We chose it as we thought it was a big problem in todays world and it's finally getting the recognition that it needs for people to be able to find solutions and help solve the problems that many people are having. We want people to be more aware about what mental health is and how to help those in need or when they themselves can find the help they need and where to find it such as calling a helpline or speaking to someone trusted in your life.

Our Goal

We hope to raise more awareness about our problems and for more people to open up about their mental health problems as many teenagers find it difficult or challenging to open up to others about their feelings and what they're going through. We just want to make it so that others are more comfortable talking about what they're going through. We also wanted to do fundraisers to raise money for our local mental health charity to help them be able to help those in need.

Our Innovative Action

We decided to do a civvies day in our school as these normally do really well to raise money. We made the theme green as it's a mental health colour and it would also teach others more about it. We decided that with all the money we raise, we're going to donate it to our local mental health charity, Samaritans, which would help them put the money towards helping those in need.

Our Impact

We have made a positive difference by raising awareness about it more in our school by adding information and posters up on our noticeboards around the school so that students would be able to see it easily. Us donating the money to the Samaritans in our town also meant that the money is being put towards helping those in crisis and need, meaning that they will have the funding to be able to help those at anytime whether its from messaging them or speaking to them over the phone.