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To plant more native Irish trees and inform people about the issue.

Our Social Issue

Restoring natural/native Irish trees

The Tree Teens

Why We Chose It

We chose this social issue because we wanted to do something on the environment, which is something we are all passionate about, but as we did more research we picked this as the focus because we saw how little was being done about it.

The Tree Teens

Our Goal

Our big idea is to inspire more people to care about native Irish trees and try to tell them why they are so important and how bad of a problem we have. We want people in our school community to be aware of deforestation and lack of biodiversity in Ireland and inspire them to care about native trees.

Our Innovative Action

We have made a website and an Instagram and have got 38 followers from our local communities. We have given a presentation to first year groups about native Irish trees and why they are important. We have planned a hike for TYs up to Fernhill where they can learn about native trees.

Our Impact

We have empowered people to care about native trees and not take their wood products and trees for granted. We have encouraged people to plant native trees and showed them what needs to be done and why it isn't being done.