The aim of our project is to collect money to help the homeless people in Cork City. We hope to spread awareness to all the young people because we are the future. Knowledge is power, and by informing the students of our school, we feel that we can help make a real difference now, but also in the future. We want to create a better life for the people without homes, by fundraising and spreading information. Everyday we see homeless people lying out in the streets and begging for money. It breaks our hearts. Everyone is entitled to human dignity. Everyone is entitled to have a home. We have to fix this problem now and help return these people's dignity and human rights

Our Social Issue

This project focuses on homeless people in Ireland, with a particular focus on our local area; Cork city. Homelessness is a major social issue in today's society. People think that the words "Homelessness" means people living on the streets, sleeping rough, but in truth, there are 3 types of homelessness. 1. The visible homeless. 2. The invisible homeless. 3. The people who are at risk of being homeless. As the cost of housing is still increasing in the country, this is putting many people at risk of losing their housing and finding themselves on the streets or in emergency accommodation. There are around 15,000 homeless people in the country, and they must rely on services such as Penny Dinners and Cork Simon to survive due to the cost of food and housing.

Buartha faoi bhochtanais
Buartha faoi bhochtanais
Buartha faoi bhochtanais
Buartha faoi bhochtanais