The aim of our project is to collect money to help the homeless people in Cork City. We hope to spread awareness to all the young people because we are the future. Knowledge is power, and by informing the students of our school, we feel that we can help make a real difference now, but also in the future. We want to create a better life for the people without homes, by fundraising and spreading information. Everyday we see homeless people lying out in the streets and begging for money. It breaks our hearts. Everyone is entitled to human dignity. Everyone is entitled to have a home. We have to fix this problem now and help return these people's dignity and human rights.
Our Social Issue
This project focuses on homeless people in Ireland, with a particular focus on our local area; Cork city. Homelessness is a major social issue in today's society. People think that the words "Homelessness" means people living on the streets, sleeping rough, but in truth, there are 3 types of homelessness. 1. The visible homeless. 2. The invisible homeless. 3. The people who are at risk of being homeless. As the cost of housing is still increasing in the country, this is putting many people at risk of losing their housing and finding themselves on the streets or in emergency accommodation. There are around 15,000 homeless people in the country, and they must rely on services such as Cork Penny Dinners and the Cork Simon Community to survive due to the cost of food and housing.

Why We Chose It
We chose the issue of homelessness as it is such a prevalent issue in our local community. Every day we see homeless people on the streets of Cork city, begging for money or sleeping rough, often with only a sleeping bag and cardboard boxes to provide any warmth. The housing crisis is something that is hugely effecting our country at the moment, and as young people who will soon be entering the working and rental worlds, we are fearful that if something doesn't change dramatically in the near future, that we too could find ourselves struggling to make ends meat.

Our Goal
Our goal was not only a difference in our SDGs, but also to try influence others to shift their perspective on the topic of homelessness. We got the whole school involved in our YSI journey by collecting money through school fundraisers such as bake sales, seasonal festivities and an inspiring presentation from a Cork Simon employee. We made posters in effort to spread the word of our goals in supporting those without a roof over their heads in Cork. Through all this we have inspired our peers to help the homelessness rather than to look down on them.

Our Innovative Action
We have fundraised close to €900 through events days in school, held quizs and discos, a Christmas jumper day and bake sales. We have created Instagram and TikTok accounts that focus on spreading awareness about our projects and resources that are there to help people who are at risk of homelessness. We have created posters, promoting our projects. We have organised talks and guest speakers. We have spoken to the junior students in our school, and carried out lessons with them in their CSPE classes.

Our Impact
Through fundraising and raising awareness, we feel that we have made a real difference with our work. The students of our school have learned, through talks, presentations and guest-speakers, the harsh reality of how big an issue homelessness is here in our local community. We have also helped focus on the positive, and shown that we all can make a difference. Through fundraising, we have helped give people in need warm meals and a place to sleep. We have volunteered in soup kitchens, and helped to prepare food for those most in need.