Goal Image

make young people feel better

Our Social Issue

young mental health and exercise

My Medicine Mile

Why We Chose It

We chose this social is because we, ourselves wanted to find a way to relieve stress or anything that might be affecting your daily functions as we know that this is a massive struggle especially with secondary school students. Our project is accessible to almost everyone and doesnt require much all you need is somewhere to walk the motivation to do it.

My Medicine Mile

Our Goal

Our big idea is to help people improve their mental health and well being by walking. We hpoe that by doing this project we can get good feedback about if our project has helped or hasnt helped the students or teachers that have chosen to take part in our 30 day challenge.

My Medicine Mile

Our Innovative Action

The actions we have taken for our project is we created our own sheet for our project to hand out to students and teachers to take part in our project. We went into an assembly and spoke about our project to promote it and gave out over 100 sheets which include 30 colums were it has the date, venue, distance and how i felt after my walk with 3 different different emojis you can choose from to describe how you felt after your walk.

My Medicine Mile

Our Impact

We believe we have made a positive difference by developing and promoting our project as it a thing that can and hopefully will help everyone in some way as getting out walking or out into the fresh air really does have alot of health benefits. We are hoping to receive positive feedback from the people that have taken part as we all agree that this is a very beneficial idea