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To build a more respectful environment amongst the First year students, to see more respectful behaviour

Our Social Issue

Building Basic Respect

Building Basic Respect

Why We Chose It

we chose to host a respect week for our first years, because respect is very important and unfortunately it is lacking in society today. We feel passionate about people treating each other equally and Kindly. We thought It was ideal to teach our first years about respect as they are impressionable. It was also the one thing in common that our team was all concerned about.

Building Basic Respect

Our Goal

The substantial change we wanted to see as a YSI was to increase respect within the school. We have noticed a lack of respect based on our own experiences and we want that to change. Our ambition was for all the students to have basic respect for each other. If all the students were respectful there wouldn’t be a bullying problem. More specifically there would be no ostracizing of people who are part of minority groups instead of being treated with the respect they deserve.

Building Basic Respect

Our Innovative Action

Over our week, we did a workshop with first years to teach them how to respect others. The workshop consisted of activities in an order, we talked about what respect is. Keeping them engaged using whiteboards to ask them questions. Moving onto our social situations board game, then our common ground activity. This gave us an insight into relationships between first years. Lastly a Kahoot, the winner putting a name for the rat. We wanted the first year's perspectives, so we got them to do pre/post workshop survey getting them all to write down their thoughts on post it notes

Building Basic Respect

Our Impact

After the workshop, we did a survey to see the change the workshop had on the First Years. The post workshop results were overwhelmingly positive. Most First Years said they felt more respected and felt they understood what respect was better after the workshop. While reviewing the data, we noticed that some students felt less respected by their friends after the workshop. We felt this was a positive result as the students have learned that they deserve more respect than they were getting. Overall, we feel that it had a positive impact on the students.