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To raise awareness for the above issue to highlight womens sport to encourage more males to support games especially the girls own peersTo reduce inequality and discrimination of women in sports.

Our Social Issue

The inequality in sport directed to towards young girls and women

Why We Chose It

Since we’re an all-girls school it would make sense to shine light on the topic of inequality of women in sports. This subject is not talked about enough and we want to change things for the better.

Our Goal

Our big idea is to create a sports day for our first years and the first year students in St. Gerald’s. With this we hope that it will show that the girls are just as capable in sports as boys. Even with showing such a small group, we believe that it will reduce the inequality that women face in sports.

Our Innovative Action

We invited St. Gerald’s first years to our event to take part in a sport’s day along with our first years. We also invited their fifth years and some of their staff to help with the running of the event. This event showed both the fifth year and first year lads that women can do just as well in sports as they can, decreasing the discrimination of women in sport.

Our Impact

As a result of our event people in our community now understand how important it is to support women in sport and gender equality. Due to our sports day we think that there will be less prioritisation with men in the sporting industry of Castlebar and it will be more fair and equal to women.