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Our goal it to raise awareness of the difficulties visually impaired people may encounter in our local community. We hope that by mapping out both the positives and hazards on the Main Street, we will be able to help the Irish Guide Dogs plan their routes for training the guide dogs. Another goal is to make Ballincollig a safer place for everyone.

Our Social Issue

We looked at how accessible the village of Ballincollig is for visually impaired people.

A Pawsome Partner in Every Journey

Why We Chose It

Our YSI class chose to address the social issues faced by blind and visually impaired people in Cork by engaging with the community and raising awareness. We organized events, created informative materials, and collaborated with local organizations to highlight the challenges faced by visually impaired individuals. Our efforts aimed to foster understanding, empathy, and inclusivity in our community.

A Pawsome Partner in Every Journey

Our Goal

Our idea was to map out Ballincollig to see how accessible the town is for the blind. We walked along the main street from Coláiste Choilm to Quishes Supervalue in four groups looking out for problems on the way like cracked paths, bins on the pathways, cars on the pathways, broken crosswalks and a build-up of leaves and sticks. Our goal is to make Ballincollig a safer place for blind people to commute on their daily lives and make Ballincollig a more inclusive and equal place.

A Pawsome Partner in Every Journey

Our Innovative Action

The actions our class has taken to help raise awareness for the Irish Guide Dogs include going around our local area and mapping the surrounding area. we found both the positive and negatives along with notes around each one. we hope that this will help people notice the small things that the average day person would not notice such as tripping over a crack in the pavement.

A Pawsome Partner in Every Journey

Our Impact

At our trip to the Guide Dogs centre, they explained how they train the guide dogs around Ballincollig, and gave us a demonstration of the things the dogs need to look out for when on a walk. By mapping Ballincollig ourselves, we have made the workers in the centre aware of certain obstacles and areas of difficulties. They can now update their plans and maps when training the dogs.