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To highlight the struggle for women and the mistreatment across different areas of society and spread awareness about abuse towards women.

Our Social Issue

Mistreatment/Empowerment of Women

Why We Chose It

Mistreatment of women is a widespread issue that affects millions globally, including in our own communities. It takes many forms, including domestic violence, workplace discrimination, harassment, and emotional abuse. Many women suffer in silence due to fear, stigma, or lack of support. This mistreatment is often rooted in deep-seated societal norms that perpetuate gender inequality and normalize abusive behaviors. The impact is devastating—damaged self-esteem, lost opportunities, and even loss of life. To combat this, we must raise awareness, support survivors, and challenge harmful attitudes. Every woman deserves respect, safety, and equal opportunities, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that mistreatment has no place in our society.

Our Goal

Our big idea is to raise awareness for the mistreatment of women in our community in particular We have learned while doing this project that there is a Women's shelter in our town which supports women that are subjected to domestic violence /abuse from partners.It house both them and their children.We hope to raise awareness for these women and also for the organisations that do so much to help them we hope also to bring awareness to our school community through having a bake sale and inviting in guest speakers to talk to us.

Our Innovative Action

’ve taken action by starting conversations with people around me about the mistreatment of women and gender equality. I shared facts, personal stories, and resources to raise awareness. I also talked to friends and family about the importance of supporting women’s rights and made sure to speak up when I noticed unfair treatment. I volunteered with local groups focused on women’s issues, helping spread their message and get others involved. By encouraging those around me to educate themselves, I’m doing my part to make a positive change in my community.Bake Sale/Safe Ireland talk

Our Impact

made a positive difference by educating myself and others about the mistreatment of women. I started conversations with friends and family, spoke up in class discussions, and used social media to spread awareness. Even small actions—like calling out unfair treatment or supporting women’s voices—help create change. By encouraging others to think about gender equality and learn more, I’m helping shift mindsets. It might not seem huge, but every step toward awareness and change matters!