Goal Image
Goal Image

To highlight the problem and make others aware of the issue. Work toward a solution towards reducing the number of homeless.

Our Social Issue

We have chosen to address the problem of the housing crisis in Ireland.

A Roof Over Ireland

Why We Chose It

We chose to focus on this social issue because we want to show that everyone has the right to a safe, warm house regardless of how much/how little money they have. We want to spread awareness about the problems homelessness is causing to Ireland and we want to also create more affordable accommodation for people who may be financially struggling or may not have a lot of money. We also want to use old, derelict houses/buildings to create temporary accommodation for people who can't afford a place to sleep at night.

A Roof Over Ireland

Our Goal

We want to achieve more affordable accommodation for people in Ireland who may have financial problems and bring awareness to the issue. We would also like to educate people on the Housing Crisis, as many people believe different causes and information regarding it.

A Roof Over Ireland

Our Innovative Action

We have contacted members of the Irish Government such as James Browne (Minister for Housing) and Jim O'Callaghan (Minister for Justice) who outlined to us what the Government are doing for the Irish Housing Crisis and we also contacted them saying we want changes to be made to ensure that everyone is able to afford a home regardless of financial situations. We discussed how we also want more accommodation to be built as there is not enough houses at the moment to house everyone in Ireland.

A Roof Over Ireland

Our Impact

We have highlighted the social issue to our school community, fundraised for our local homeless charity Wexford People Helping People and Focus Ireland. Also, we have already planned to collect goods for SVP to be delivered during the Christmas period.