Goal Image

To promote awareness and effect culture in school community on risks associated with vaping.

Our Social Issue

The prevalence of vaping and the lack of awareness in young people about potential future health risks.

Escape the Vape

Why We Chose It

We chose this social issue as we feel strongly towards the worrying increase in children under the age of 18 beginning to vape and how young children are beginning and getting addicted to vaping. Even going out in my town during the later hours in the day you'll see a lot of children under the age of 13 vaping alone or with friends. Knowing all of this and how this is such a large issue is Ireland alone we wanted to create an innovation to curve this social issue.

Escape the Vape

Our Goal

We hope to spread awareness for the very current social issue of vaping. Increasing numbers of teenagers are using vapes, we hope to inform children on the dangerous side affects of vaping before they are in a situation that they might use a vape. We hope to reduce the number of underaged vape users.

Escape the Vape

Our Innovative Action

We have created a presentation that we have given to the first and second years in our school to inform them on the harmful effects of vaping. We have also surveyed every year group in our school to get data on how many people have vaped, their knowledge on the harms of vapes and other such topics. We also visited primary schools and we informed the 5th and 6th class students on the negative effects of vapes.

Escape the Vape

Our Impact

There is no certainty that people will listen to what we say, all we can do is hope that they take into account what we have told them on the dangerous effects of vapes. We have spread awareness of the harmful affects of vaping and that children are starting at increasingly younger ages.