We want to make young people aware of the dangers on our roads and that we need to be careful as the number of fatalities from road accidents are rising each year
Our Social Issue
We are going to explore the issue of road safety and highlight the importance of slowing down on our roads. Due to the growing number of people being killed and injured on the roads we decided that we wanted to highlight this issue in our school and in our community
Why We Chose It
We choose this social issue because there is a lot of people effected by road deaths and road accidents. A total of 40 people have been killed in the first month of the year. We also choice to educate the first years on the importance of this matter. We did this by giving them a talk about how important it is to be aware of road safety and how it is important not to drink and drive or drive under the influence. We told them about the importance of not getting into a car if you don't feel safe
Our Goal
Our big idea is to educate people about road safety. We want to spread awareness to our school .We've done this by creating posters and giving out hi-vis jackets to our first year students and giving them a speech about the importance of road safety and how they can use this in there everyday life to prevent road safety accidents. What we aim to achieve from this is to promote road safety and the importance of slowing down and wearing your safety belts we also mentioned to never get into a car with someone who is under the influence.
Our Innovative Action
We have done first year initiative which was a road safety afternoon. Our class ordered 120 high vises for the first years. We called all the first year classes down to our general area where we gave them a very in formative talk on road safety. we took photos on a drone SJT SAFE We brought in an new rule for the leaving cert students to leave their car keys into the office in the morning when they come to school and collect them again after school. we wrote and recorded a rap with our message
Our Impact
We have made a positive difference in this school from this project as we have thought first years the importance of road safety and the warning signs you should watch out for. If you feel unsafe getting into a car with someone do not travel with them The Leaving certs understand the dangers of travelling around in cars at lunchtime and do not mind giving in their keys We had great fun recording the rap and sending it out on social media and our local media!