Goal Image

To obtain a community dog in our school. We are trying to stress students trying to reduce the amount of stress among students.

Our Social Issue

Anxiety and stress.

Why We Chose It

Our team chose this social topic because anxiety is becoming more and more common in our peers and we can see it taking a toll on our friends and family. We really want to make the school environment an enjoyable and safe space for everyone instead of putting more stress on our peers.

Our Goal

Our big idea is to make school an enjoyable environment for everyone. We hope to achieve this by getting a community dog in our school.Our goal is to reduce anxiety in pupils and help develop social skills and increase confidence in reluctant readers. We really think getting a community dog will do so.Students with special needs need to be able to have the same experience as everyone else and we hope our project will enhance this idea.

Our Innovative Action

We got in contact with loads of organisations and charities that work with community dogs like ,Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind,Autism Assistance ,Dogs for the Disabled and My Canine Companion. After we went on to create a survey for our whole school and got their opinions on introducing a community dog. We also interviewed schools that have already gotten community dogs and found out the benefits. And finally we are in the middle of planning to fundraise for Irish Therapy dog organization by doing a bake sale in our school. We also organized a trip to a social farm.

Our Impact

Our team has made a positive difference by giving our school hope that in the near future we will have a community dog at our school that will make a massive impact to all students especially ones with special needs or who suffer with anxiety and stress. We have successfully gotten our principal and SNAs on board with our project by having meetings with them about this topic. We also have made a positive difference by organizing a trip to a social farm and this provides people with the opportunity for inclusion, to increase their self esteem and health.