The goal of our project is promote an awareness for bio-diversity in our school community. Bio- diversity is an issue that young people need to embrace to enrich our community and the wider world.
Our Social Issue
Our YSI project was to promote awareness about bio-diversity within our school community. We decided that bio-diversity was an important issue that a lot of young didn’t know much about. Climate change also has major impacts on Irish biodiversity through its interaction with other stressors, in particular habitat fragmentation and loss, over exploitation, pollution of air, water and soil; and the spread of invasive spices. We wanted to promote an awareness of what is happening in our natural world and try to get young people to engage with it.
Who We Worked With
For our project we worked with the staff of the school. We researched as a class to gain the knowledge needed to raise awareness of our issue. We also needed the help and guidance of our school care taker for the use of our school poly tunnel to sow wildflower seeds to promote our issue of bio-diversity.
How We Communicated
As a class we decided to raise awareness of bio-diversity to our own school community. the students, teachers and staff. Our school, being a country school having close contact with our local community which has a very strong agricultural tradition. Farming and agriculture is very important in our locality, so bio-diversity seemed like a good choice. We promoted our ideas through education and research. We also distributed posters around the school to raise awareness.
Our Innovative Action and Impact
Our class designed and created a bio-diversity tree to spread the message of the importance of bio-diversity. On the tree we created leaves to symbolize the natural world. We researched the causes, the effects and benefits of bio-diversity. Next, we displayed the tree in a prominent place in the school for everyone to see. We feel that Biodiversity has intrinsic value, that we should conserve all of the variety of life on Earth. We have a responsibility to leave this planet and its catalogue of life as intact as we can when each of us leave this place – to be enjoyed and celebrated, and to nourish future generations. As part of our awareness campaign in the school we also created posters to distribute around the school to raise awareness. As part of our action plan to promote bio-diversity we decided to sow wildflowers seeds in our school poly tunnel to germinate and to plant later in our hedge rows and green areas. Wild flowers attract all kinds of beneficial insects – not just bees and butterflies but also insects such as hoverflies and ladybugs. Together they help to boost harvests and keep common pests under control