To create an awareness in the school community about being more aware of early warning signs of some cancer. We hope to gain more knowledge about cancer facilities in the county through meeting with a nurse from the Kerry Hospice and we will also fundraise for them
Our Social Issue
We live in an agricultural area and an area of great natural beauty where there is a lot of people working outdoors. We think that there needs to be greater awareness of the effects of sun exposure especially for farmers. We also know that most families have been effected by loss due to cancer and this was an area of concern for us. We decide to be pro active and to try raise awareness of some cancers within the school community in the hope that this would filter out to their families.

Who We Worked With
School Community School Teachers & staff Kerry Hospice Irish Cancer Society

How We Communicated
We mostly told other students but the hope is that this information will filter through to their families. At our Easter raffle we distributed some information leaflets about how to recognise some skin cancers and how to be safe in the sun. We will continue after Easter with displaying posters and more information sharing . We will talk with a nurse form Palliative care within the Kerry Hospice, who is coming to our school, so we have more information on how to best approach this
Our Innovative Action and Impact
We raised money for Kerry Hospice so they can continue with their work. We have started to share information through distributing information leaflets and will continue to raise awareness in the school in the coming weeks. We ordered information leaflets and posters from the Irish Cancer Society and talked with the hospice