To create awareness, and to take action for our topic: Reuse, Reuse, Recycle, Upcycling.
Our Social Issue
We care about the how much waste and we want to see less waste around the world . We genuinely care about the environment, so we would want to see a shift in the garbage that people bring into our homes. Instead of littering and generating waste, people should start upcycling and reusing items. I care about waste there should be less of it. I care about the enviornment. There is litter being thrown all over different areas, It's been thrown all over cities, towns, schools, beaches, parks and carparks. We want to see more use of reusable bottles and reusable coffee cups and not plastic bottles and paper coffee cups. We want to see people being more sustainable. We care about the world and we would love to see the waste getting cut down a lot . Protecting the environment.
Who We Worked With
We worked together to clean up our surroundings. We also went to the charity shop to do some guilty free shopping. We are creating awareness in the school community, and outiside
How We Communicated
We told our school and our community that we are cleaning our school so people know to mind where to put waste. Spread the word on recycling and saving the planet by emphasizing individual actions, showcasing positive impacts, and sharing practical tips. Use visuals and storytelling to make the message engaging and memorable. We told Facebook and Instagram. We told our school and we told people on Facebook and Instagram.
Our Innovative Action and Impact
We are trying to promote the usage of reusable water bottles and coffee cups. Students get merits for that. Also, we do a clean up every two or three weeks, and our trip to the charity shop was educational, fun and good for our wellbeing. Also we are aware the money spent there is for a good cause, so all win win