To be inclusive in our school and education by allowing everyone to communicate with each.
Our Social Issue
The social issue we chose for our YSI project is equality and inclusivity in education. As a part of our project we chose to learn lamh hand signs. We chose this as we believe education is very important and that we should all feel equal and included while also being educated. When we were choosing our social issue, we did a class vote to make sure everyone got a say in what our project would be based on. This subject was important to our class because we care about all people and that everyone should feel equal and included, even if a little bit different. We have learned a few words in lamh sign language. We are putting the words together to make a poem to make people more aware of this social issue. We also drew a few posters to put up around our school with lamh signs on them to show what our project is about.

Who We Worked With
Our classes YSI project helped us to cooperate well with each other. We learned how important cooperation and teamwork is in projects like this, and in daily life as well. We will bring this information forward with us. While we didn't contact anyone outside the school, we found useful tools online. Our team split into groups and split the work between all of us, this was helpful because it allowed us to focus on smaller bits of work. A problem a lot of us faced was the lack of information online about Irish sign language. It was harder than it should have been to find Irish sign language words we needed. After a while of searching and coming up with nothing, our teacher did her own research and found information on American sign language which was much easier to find than Irish sign language. So, we used a mixture to make sure the previous problem could be solved. Overall, the project went smoothly because we were able to communicate and cooperate well with each other. Everyone worked well together, and the teamwork made the project infinitely easier.

How We Communicated
The main message of our YSI project was the equality in education. Our project’s target audience was other people and people who needed to use sign language. We hope to try and help all. We also communicated with each other and our deputy principal and our religion teacher. We were all split into four different groups and had to design posters on lamh signs so that everyone could get a taste on what lamh is like. All the groups had to get a computer and look up some lamh words to start off. Once everybody had all that done, we had to make a list of important words that we thought would be necessary for our YSI project. Once the words were decided we had to shorten it into five groups to look up one of the words in our groups. Once we had that done we had to present the word to the class in our groups. Once we all knew how to translate the words we had to come up with a poem. All the people made their own poem. Then in two groups we put all of them together to come up with a poem. Once we did that we had to get the computers and try our best, working in pairs, to translate the words in the poem. After a lot of hard work, we successfully did that. All that was left was in the two groups was to perform what we had wrote in our poem.

Our Innovative Action and Impact
During our YSI project our team achieved what we wanted to because we learned how to communicate in sign language, and we were able to make two poems and translate them into lamh sign language. We believe that the actions we took were effective as we were able to learn and recite the poems we wrote easily. This project has changed our thoughts about the social issues with learning lamh because when we were trying to translate our poems into lamh we found it very difficult to find most words which as a result of this we discovered how difficult it is if you have to depend on lamh for a day to day use. Although it does not affect our daily activities as we do not know of any deaf people that use lamh sign language although we do believe we will benefit from our basic knowledge of lamh and American sign language in the future.