Young Social Innovators Named a Winner in the Impact Challenge!
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We are excited to share with you that Young Social Innovators has been selected as a winner in the Impact Challenge!
With the funding, we will empower Ireland’s most disadvantaged youth to address local issues using robotics and STEM.
Over 1,000 Dublin City teenagers will be inspired to discover how STEM and robotics can be used as tools to bring about positive social change. A series of new cutting edge workshops will engage teenagers to collaborate in project-based learning modules – ‘Robot4Good and HackIt4Good’. These interactive modules will be delivered from Ireland’s first Social Innovation Learning Lab, which has been newly developed in our YSI HQ in Glasnevin.
In the next phase of the Challenge, we have the opportunity to double our funding if we receive the most votes. We need your help!
Vote for us here.
We’re excited for the opportunity to help make our community an even better place to live.