Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below, please call us and speak to a member of our team who will be happy to help.
Getting Started
The Junior Action Programme is designed for teams of young people aged 12 - 15 years, in 1st - 3rd year of secondary school. Teams must be facilitated by a Guide (teacher).
Guides (teachers) sign up to the programme on behalf of a team, either on the YSI website (link) or by phone to (01) 645 8030.
A YSI Guide is the facilitator for a student team(s). Often a teacher, the YSI Guide is the adult mentor who guides young people through the programme activities and supports their innovation journey, looking after the communications with YSI throughout the programme. A certified YSI Guide is someone who has completed the requisite YSI training and who experience facilitating a team to programme completion.
Training is not mandatory, however, teachers who attend training and who deliver Ignite are eligible for certification as a YSI Guide. The training modules are designed to provide teachers with a grounding in social innovation education, approaches and methodologies to be used to guide their team through the programme and ensure they get the most from the experience.
Yes, the cost for thsis programme is €5 per student.
Guides are provided with a full suite of online resources and activities as well as training and networking events in the year. The YSI Education team is always on hand to offer support and can be contacted at
The Junior Programme is designed to be completed in 20 hours. A 10 hour Fast Track option is also available. Ask one of our Education Team at, they will help you tailor the programme for your specific needs.
The Junior Action Programme can be incorporated into Junior Wellbeing, CSPE, SPHE, RE, and Career Guidance.
Yes, participation in the Junior Action Programme does contribute to Junior Wellbeing hours.
Teams can be up to 25-30 members and no fewer than 5.
Yes, a class can split into multiple teams if they wish to address different social issues, so long as each team meets the recommended minimum numbers.
Yes, schools and centres can collaborate on an action project. Let us know when you sign up who you plan to work with so we can correctly record the team’s information.
Programme Completion
To complete the programme, teams must submit a written report online. The report is accessed here
A project report is a series of questions completed online by teams to capture the inspiration and actions undertaken for their project. It is screened and scored by independent evaluators.
Yes, you may submit your report in Irish. We ask that you notify YSI in advance if you intend to do so.
Yes, the Junior must be completed by the team.
Each team who successfully completes the programme i.e. submits a report, will be eligible for certification.