Greener Globe

Greener Globe
Tullamore College, Offaly

The Social Issue:
This ground-breaking project began with the ambition to preserve the world’s most valuable resource - water. This water waste project began life in Tullamore College in 2013 at the beginning of Transition Year.
The Idea:
The team quickly discovered that people were generally spending too long in the shower and not keeping track of how much water and electricity they were using. In response to this issue, they developed the revolutionary Aquacica shower head. They integrated a timed LED system into the shower - green, amber, and red for 5, 2 and 1 minute respectively - so the user knows precisely how long they have been in the shower and encourage them to finish. Their innovation could help the world achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”.
The blunt truth is that if we are not careful, then we could potentially run out of clean water on Earth. As a result we would need to take things to desperate measures such ocean desalinisation. The water we waste drastically hurts our environment and our ecosystems.
The Impact:
Greener Globe is now an award-winning company with a patented product, distribution, and outlets.