The Connected Four

The Connected Four
Killarney Community College, Killarney , Co. Kerry.

The Social Issue:
The aim of this project was to to raise awareness of the false perceptions surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
The Idea:
The students found that there was a lack of education around these conditions due to a lack of accessible resources and supporting communities. They wanted to provide a reliable source of information, starting at a young age, about these four conditions online and in the local community, thereby helping to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
To help spread their message, the team set up Facebook, Instagram, TikTok pages for their project. They also intend on creating videos and a YouTube channel and podcasts designed to give voice to people’s experiences and knowledge and coping mechanisms, to be educational for all ages and abilities, from interviews with various people including SNA’s, parents of children with these conditions, the children themselves, siblings of the children and teachers.
The students are also brainstorming story ideas for a children’s book that they are hoping to publish. Their aim is to produce this book for children from Junior Infants to 2nd class with the theme of diversity. This is to instill education at an early age and break down prejudices before they can begin.
Having touched the hearts of many, we can firmly say we are making our impact and that is the most rewarding part of doing this project. Celebrate our differences
The Impact:
To create their book, the team needed funding and so they applied for the YSI Den. They had the opportunity to pitch their idea to three business people and were offered €500 and mentoring. Their aim is to create both a physical and digital book. They will continue interviewing and creating informative, educational videos for their YouTube channel, catered to younger and older audiences to keep spreading awareness and give a voice to the community. Their project won them the 2021 YSI Social Media Award.