The Global Gang

The Global Gang
Castleisland Community College, Castleisland, Co. Kerry.

The Social Issue:
Inspired by David Attenborough’s call for a plan to tackle the effects of climate change at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, this YSI team wanted to educate people on the causes of climate change and the consequences for people and environments all over the world. They began to explore solutions as well as solutions that everybody can help to achieve.
The Idea:
The team set up ‘The Global Gang’ inspired not only by David Attenborough but also they wanted to contribute to achieving the SDG 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. They planned a number of different elements to their project, including designing and building a train pit pf FSC wood and recycled materials for the Tidy Towns competition. This was to be displayed near the old train station in their town, Castleisland. They also designed Air Bee and Bees to increase biodiversity in their school and community and held an afternoon tea event for all members of the community to raise awareness about climate change and up-cycling plastics to reduce sea pollution.
To achieve their goals, the team collaborated with local community partners like Tidy Towns, Chamber of Alliance and local businesses such as SuperValu, and charitable organisations: Team Hope Shoe box appeal and Kenya Education Project. They worked with Gortbrack Organic Farm to enhance biodiversity around their community and promoted their work using media outlets such as Maine Valley Post and Sliabh Luarchr.
We felt why are we continuing to neglect our planet? It’s the only planet that we know of that can provide us life, yet we damage it. We felt that sometimes people might be oblivious to the consequences that we are causing and that is why we wanted to raise awareness.
The Impact:
'The Gobal Gang' team was a wonderful success in many different ways. The team collected over 50 pairs of football boots and raised €350 for the Kenya Education Project. This money will be used for solar panels in schools, reducing the need for fossil fuels. They set up 8 Air Bee and Bees around their school and community which contributed to the preservation of Ireland's bee population. The Christmas event in Castleisland was a huge success with 600 people in attendance. This was an effectiveway to educate people in the community on how buying Fairtrade products can help the environment, as it was to sell Fairtrade products to farmers which can improve soil quality, manage pests, avoid using harmful chemicals and protect our biodiversity. Finally, there were 70 attendees at the students' afternoon tea talk on climate change! Going forward, the team has made out a five-year plan with Gortbrack Organic Farm on how to increase Biodiversity in their school.