YSI for Young People

What is YSI all about?
As a young person taking part in YSI, you will be challenged to look at the world around you and to identify and explore issues affecting you, your friends, your community and wider society.
Together with your team, you will be asked to co-create an innovative solution to a social issue of your choosing and, more than just coming up with an idea for change, you'll be asked to put that idea into action and to reflect and report on the impact you make.
Students from the YSI team 'Mend a Mind' from Largy College, Clones pictured at a YSI event.
YSI offers young people a fun and engaging experience through which you will develop skills, discover talents, make new friends and, most importantly, make a positive change in the world around us.
It offers you a unique opportunity to have a voice on the issues that matter to you! Fun events, platforms and campaigns enable YSI teams all over Ireland to connect, share ideas and be heard.
Getting Involved
If you would like to take part in YSI, talk to your teacher, principal or Youthreach coordinator about your school or centre getting involved.
You will embark on an exciting journey of discovery, action, advovacy and celebration!
Our programmes include Activate (for 16-18s), Ignite (12-15s), YSI Design for Change (Primary Schools). You can find out more about our workshops here.
All you need is an adult mentor and a team!